What’s Underneath That Rock? | Rimona Law


Rimona Law (Portland, OR)
Elsewhere Goes To Madison. April 2018. Audio interviews, interactive surveys.

A collection of questions and reflections, What’s Underneath That Rock? brings together residents of Rockingham County to consider the ways in which water wells make rural life both possible and precarious.

Published on Issuu, May 22, 2018:

Rimona Law (Portland, OR) Elsewhere Goes To Madison. April 2018. Audio interviews, interactive surveys. A collection of questions and reflections, What's Underneath brings together residents of Rockingham County to consider the ways in which water wells make rural life both possible & precarious.

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This project is funded by an award from the North Carolina Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.



2018 Rural Residency


Live Streaming | Alejandro Franco