STUFFED: a puppet porno

STUFFED re-contextualizes functionality through a queer lens by playing with heteronormative assumptions of pleasure, its derivation, and the ways and which it is depicted for others to consume. Through set, costume, and puppet design, Rae and Thea set out to explore notions of bodies and spaces and the ways in which they can interact with each other while offering playful alternatives to functionality, delight, and desire. 

Also shame. Shame about bodies, genitals, orifices, phalluses, assumptions, and the social conditioning to create that shame. STUFFED defies expectations and banishes the shame!

Elsewhere is no stranger to disrupting expectations around labels and their assumed meaning as it is exemplified in the space itself through playing with and redefining what it means to be a museum. Elsewhere questions functionality through repurposing objects, spaces, and materials to take on new meaning and functions. This place also holds value in things that no longer retain the function that they were assigned to have, shifting ideas about value and where it is derived.


Shift ^6 | Kelsey Sharpe


Visible Mending | Avery Rose