Elsewhere Museum Photographic Archive

Welcome to the Elsewhere Museum Photographic Archive (EPAO). Feel free to skip ahead to a particular section (by clicking one of the links below) or just scroll through.
EPAO, formerly the Temporary Photographic Archive Office (TPAO)

You can find out more information about these photographs by doing the following:

  1. Right click on the photograph.

  2. Click “Save Image As …”

  3. Look at the title of the image. If names, dates, or other information is available, it will be displayed there. If there is no information currently available, the image title will be a seemingly random sequence of letters and numbers.

  4. Alternatively, you can visit Elsewhere Museum in-person. The archive is made available to the public during regular museum hours and by special appointment.

To get more information on these photographs, submit additional photographs, or provide information on photographs within the archive, please email programs@goelsewhere.org.


Past Residents and Staff, 4x6”


Past Residents and Staff, Polaroids with Name


Past Residents and Staff with Name and Title


Past Residents with Separate Information Postcard






4” x 7”


4” x 6”


4” x 6”, Photographs by Josh Boyette, November 2004




Polaroid with Text


Polaroid, People


Polaroid, Objects


Polaroid, Cameras


Instax Square, Photographs by Jess Hoyle


Instax Mini


Photographs by David Alpert, Residency #108, July 15-August 10, 2021


Temporary Photographic Archive Office (TPAO)

The Temporary Photographic Archive Office (TPAO) was established by fellow David Alpert in the 108th residency at the Elsewhere Museum from July 15th to August 10th of 2021. The TPAO collected, scanned, and shared photographs found in the library of Elsewhere. The TPAO’s work culminated in the creation of this webpage.