Southern Static | Lily Reeves

Photo credit: Lily Reeves

Photo credit: Lily Reeves

Southern Static, Lily Reeves (Phoenix, AZ). 

May 2017. Installation view. Lamps, wire, blue light bulbs, argon-filled glass, performative happenings, belief, reenactments of Southern spiritual acts.

Through Southern Static, Reeves aims to embody and understand traditional southern superstitions via research, performative reenactment, and physical object making/repurposing.This installation follows the enigmatic ways that Southern superstition bleeds through time and space with a "honey-haze" lens of nostalgia and remembrance. During the course of the residency, Reeves sourced subject matter from North Carolina folklore. She then enacted certain superstitions and left a physical vestige of others, re-visualizing the room as a place that is neither religious nor secular, good nor evil. The intention was to create a comfortable space where superstitions are present, but where it is up to the viewers to decide for themselves where the power or legitimacy of these charms and folklore lie.

Photo credit: Lily Reeves

Photo credit: Lily Reeves

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