Creativity Rattles (Yaksh) | Vickie Aravindhan

Vickie Aravindhan (Los Angeles, CA) | November 2021

Mid fire ceramic, embossed/de-bossed using collection toys

Variable (17 rattles)

This series of rattles are inspired by Yaksha/Yakshi (nature spirits of fertility and the earth) fertility rattles. Vickie's idea was to incorporate a sense of play, and community engagement by creating a series of rattles with patterns embossed using pieces of Elsewhere's bountiful toy collection. Guests were encouraged to find each rattles' corresponding toy using it as inspiration to glaze as they wished, leaving their marks and contributions to the series forever. Future guests/artists/peoples are encouraged to use these as "creativity" rattles when one feels inspiration is dry.


The Fabulous 2050s | Oree Holban


A Playful Resistance | Lexy Ho-Tai