Fhalyshia Orians

2016 House(pitality) Curator

Fhalyshia Orians is an illustrator and crafter who finds inspiration in observation. Interested in the practice of art and aesthetics in the seemingly mundane activities of everyday life, she enjoys overlooked or unseen interventions that play with our relationships to memory, our senses, and the world around us.

2015 Intern

Fhalyshia emerged from a corn field in Northwest Ohio roughly five years ago, and has since received her B.A. in Painting from Guilford College. Her hobbies include crocheting, talking to plants, making playlists for every conceivable situation or mood possible, and taking walks with no intended destination. Can generally be found drinking coffee on the fire escape in the wee hours of the morning.


Cortni Quarles


Sophie Trauberman