Agustina Woodgate (1981, Argentina) is an artist whose practice focuses on the politics of landscapes and infrastructures as a conceptual and public geography. She recombines, activates and repurposes available resources while setting alternative systems in motion. Her work comes about through a logical process of discovery rather than invention, utilizing displacement as a strategy. Woodgates’ approach is speculative, practical, and site and context-responsive, presenting critical alternatives to concepts on social orders, resource management and information distribution bringing clarity, scale, and accessibility.

Agustina is one of the artists commissioned for South Elm Projects. She completed Hopscotch across the South Elm neighborhood during her one-week residency in April 2015.


September 10, 2009 – October 8, 2009

August 7, 2011

April 2015

website | radio espacio estacion dot com

website | agustina woodgate dot com

Project: Glass Forest, Hopscotch, Radio Espacio, Kids Radio FM


Ian Montgomery


Kara Dunne