Resident Elsewhere Living Museum & Artist Residency Resident Elsewhere Living Museum & Artist Residency

OMAi + Tagtool

Based in Vienna, Austria, OMAi and the Tagtool Crew lead public art projection events and collaborative light painting workshops around the world.

Markus Dorninger is a digital artist and designer. His work comprises projection interventions as well as stage performances. He invented Tagtool to bring to life the images that inhabit our imagination.

Josef Dorninger is a true-to-the-game Tagtoolista who takes care of business at OMAi. With his extensive experience as youth worker and workshop leader, he explores the educational benefits of creative projectionism.

Matthias Fritz is an active VJ who joined forces with the Dorninger brothers. As a versatile visualist with a strong community focus, he has taught Tagtool to thousands around the world.

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