Quilla (Anna Luisa Daigneault)


Quilla (Anna Luisa Daigneault) is a songwriter, vocalist, keyboardist, DJ and electronic music producer. With Peruvian and French Canadian roots, Quilla draws from many musical genres and vocal traditions to create multi-faceted, beat-driven works. Based in Greensboro since 2012, Quilla is known for her poetic lyrics and vocal loop compositions, as well as for teaching music production workshops to women and femmes. She composes music for podcasts (such as WUNC’s Embodied and CREEP) as well as films. Quilla’s latest projects include the use of bioacoustic sounds in dance music. Fresh and empowering, her music feels dreamlike while also being uplifting. 

She composed music for Elsewhere’s DanceLab project in 2013, and was South Elm Projects Coordinator at the museum between August 2014 and January 2015. Through that role, she organized community outreach initiatives downtown, led brainstorming events, trained interns and collaborated with Elsewhere’s curators to hire artists to create public art projects funded by Artplace America. She also taught workshops for Elsewhere’s FoodLab program in 2015, where school children learned about cooking, art and storytelling. 

An avid Elsewherian over the years, Quilla has participated in many annual fundraisers as a live performer and DJ (Spirit 2012, Tomorrow 2013, The Last Great Winter 2014, Sports of All Sorts 2015, Revolve 2016, Dreamworld 2019, Arrivals & Departures 2021). She has also filmed various music videos and live performances at Elsewhere, such as “A Million Broken Bikes” (2014), “Around Town Sessions - Live Performance” (2021), “Beans Beans Beans” (PBS Kids / Rootle, 2021), “Bow to the Rebel Queen” (forthcoming).



Sheetal Prajapati


Kyle Hazard